Monday, January 10, 2011

9 Months!

I cannot believe I have a 9 month old, I cant imagine having a toddler, throwing her a 1 year Bday party... she is getting so big.. I miss my cuddly newborn! Don't get me wrong, I'm sooo loving watching her grow up, and learn and experience new things, but she is such a little busy body!

She is now crawling all over the place and pulling herself up on everything!!
She is walking along things, while holding on
She has one bottom tooth, and we can feel the top ones starting.
She loves pasta.. we went to apple bees and decided to have her taste some, and she wouldn't stop! haha lets just say we shared a meal! After that, we started to have her try the foods we were eating, and now that's all she wants! When we were in Montana we got to us one of those baby food grinders, and I don't know why I have not invested in one yet! It was so easy, and she got to eat a lot of the good stuff we were eating, and she loved it!
Harper has quite the personality already, and has mastered the throwing fit part of not getting what she wants. It can only get better right? haha
She is always so happy and giggly for the most part, smiles and squeals and babbles constantly!
She loves her Aunt McKenzie.. she is just drawn to her for some reason, and when shes around, mom is soo out of the picture.
She growls.. and will copy you if you make some sort of growling sound. Hilarious.
We love sponge bob.. we watch it almost every morning, me and Michael swear she trys to say "sponge bob" she babbles a sound that sounds just like it! haha
She loves to wake up dadda in the morning, and crawl and climb all over him.
Splashing like crazy in the bathtub, and wants to pull herself up, turn over, and be all over in the tub.. its def a entertaining and hands on bath, trying to keep her from ending up under water!!

Bed time is still going well.. better than I imagined it being. We have had some long nights ever since she has mastered pulling her self up in her crib, we have had to lower it, but she still manages. Its like fun time for her because she can get up and look around, so she wants to be up and playing. But she is still sleeping in her crib, we only bring her into bed a few times, and that's when she decides to wake up between 4-6 am and I'm exhausted and hope I can get her back to sleep! She is always up at 7am.. which I'm not sure I will ever get used too. I wish she would sleep longer.

We have a doctors appointment this week, I'm interested to see her stats for this month. When I tried weighing her with me, I'm pretty sure she was right around 20lbs!! She is a chunk. We love her tons!

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