Thursday, March 22, 2012

Her boots were made for walkin..

Words can not describe how much I love my little dooble.
She is quite the little model I must say. :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Traumatizing Milestone.

Harper's First trip to the dentist was partially how i expected it to go. Just a little friendly advice.. advice I should have taken myself.. don't rush and take your child to a dentist appointment when she hasn't napped or had lunch yet!!! grrr. Not the funnest milestone to record.. especially when you have to use super power strength to get her into the car seat after because she thought she could take all the toys from the "pick a toy" bin and continued to try and run back inside the dentist office... which then led me to Target where I spoiled her for putting her through this. haha

But on a happier note.. her teeth are perfect! No cavities, and all are growing in like they should!