Friday, July 9, 2010

3 Month update!

Really? Has it been this long?!
3 months ago today, I was frantically pacing trying to find my lost cell phone, crying and stressing that I wouldnt be able to call anyone and let them know I was having my precious little girl the next day. Little did I know, that would soon be the least of my worries.
Time goes by so fast, but I'm so grateful that Ive had the opportunity to spend every single day with her. To wake up next to her, play with her, talk to her, take her everywhere with me. The list goes on. You really don't know how much you can love until you have a child. I never really understood when people would say that or tell me, but its like you are connected at the heart. I love watching her grow, but I already want her to stay little forever! Things are going good, she is growing and learning. She has realized that she has hands and tries to fit them both in her mouth. She drools constantly, holds her head up, and is so aware of everything. She definitely recognizes my face and voice, its amazing how they just know the "mothers touch" (I think Mike is jealous) haha. He has been back a week now, and she is getting used to his face and voice, its great that they get to spend time together, I'm sure she will be a Daddy's girl. He actually changed a diaper yesterday... to bad it wasn't number 2. Tomorrow will be the first time I leave her overnight and a couple hours away.. she will be with Auntie and Grandma, but my nerves are setting in... I miss her just being gone for a few hours! Also, Harper celebrated her first 4Th of July... unfortunately we didn't watch any fireworks, but we did get to spend time with the family and dress up!
Kenzi,Me,Harper all dressed up!

Little Harpeloo in her 4Th of July dress.

1 comment:

  1. She is so beautiful, Chels:) N she is getting so big! I would like to see you guys when I move back to Utah, hopefully at the end of the month.
