Monday, June 7, 2010


Before I had Harper, I loved kids, I always wanted to be a mom... but I will admit sometimes I got annoyed of all the baby talk, and the sound of people excessively kissing their baby, because I get easily annoyed. I'm sure I even thought it was stupid to call them by something other than their name... All these things you think you wont do, you do. Like the talking in 3rd person. "Mommy needs you to be good while she showers." You don't even do them because you've seen it, or heard it, You don't even read it in a book, it just happens.
I'm also one of those annoying mothers that has to dress her child up everyday, and put those annoying headbands with big flowers on her head, which gets me annoying comments like "I'm sure she hates those things" or "maybe she's crying because of that big bow" Actually, no. She is too little to know what hating something is, and if she is anything like me, she will never hate them, and thank you for your input and knowledge on why my baby is crying.
Like my Grandma, bless her heart, but she cant hold herself back from commenting on every fuss, cry, rash, etc. My grandmas most common advice is "I think she needs to be burped" I cant tell you how many times she says this, even if she didn't see me feed her, I must have so therefor she needs to be burped, she can tell. Or when she hasn't seen me feed her, I must need to feed her, because "she's looking for the boob" or "I think she's hungry" Really? Thank you. I know she's old, and concerned and just being a grandma, but I think I can figure out what she needs!
I know I'm a first time mom, Ill take all the advice I can get, but please don't make me feel dumb and act like I'm doing everything wrong, or try and tell me what I should and shouldn't do. Until you see me neglect her, or she has been in the same diaper for 2 days, you can gladly step in, because at the point Ive probably lost my mind.

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