Monday, June 28, 2010


My new obsession!!! This kit is awesome, and very inexpensive. I always complain about my eyebrows, because, well I hardly have any!! they are short , and have less hair towards the ends, so it looks like I shave them off at the ends, Ive even had people ask me if I do this, no.
I started watching tutorials(yes, I have no life) on eyebrow shaping and went searching for the perfect tools! This kit is great because it comes with tweezers, brush, the two colors and also the eyebrow wax, which sets your eyebrows. I was in search for my brushes, that I posted on my things I want post, but they were out at the craft store I went too. So I purchased one from the brand Posh. I got the eyebrow brush, which also came with eyebrow templates. These brushes are inexpensive too.

I purchased both things at K-mart, the brushes are cheaper in store then on the actual website.
I will have to post before and after pics, when I get the technique down. :)

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