Thursday, October 28, 2010

Its all about you... no, not even close.

People, in general I just don't understand some of them. I don't get people who are hypocrites. How is it that someone can go around treating people like shit, and the minute someone treats them badly they play the victim? I just don't understand why its OK for someone to sit behind a desk, email, chat, etc. and say all the rude things they want to say, make fun of people, and because they think no one will know or get it that it makes them better. But the minute someone puts it out in the open, and basically just tells you like it is, all of a sudden people are disrespectful, rude, "evil". How is it that a person can go around making assumptions and having opinions, and offend people and be "entitled to their opinion" But when it comes down to someone else being the same way, they are being mean hurtful people?
It honestly makes me wonder if these types of people are so consumed with their own lives, and making themselves and everyone else believe they have got it together, that when they hear something said, or someone says something that is a generality and could be focused on one or more issues or people, they take it as its solely directed towards them. They really think that the people that don't care to comment on what they do, or even acknowledge what they are doing must not because they are" jealous" so when these people have conversations that have nothing to do with them, and they are not involved, they try to somehow work it around in their head that they are talking about them, making fun of them, or mocking them. NEWS FLASH... no one cares that much about your life, if you honestly think that people are out to get you, you think your OWN FRIENDS are out to get you, maybe you need to reevaluate some things, and realize that just because you have different things going on in your life, and you're not always included in things you used to be included in, doesn't mean people don't like you, but if because of this you make it seem like your "too good" to come around anymore, and you make comments that might suggest you're a better person, don't wonder why people might start acting different towards you.
The friends and people that have known you, and helped you, the friends that you have counted on and confided in will always know your secrets, your faults, your mistakes.
There are always two sides to every story, and if you are too self centered to try and find out the truth, then people will give you what you asked for. There are far more important things in life than worrying about the he says she says bullshit everyday. You have a problem with someone, let them know, you think someone has a problem with you, ask. Your feelings are hurt, talk about it. But don't play the victim.
Don't act as if you have never said or done anything to make anyone angry, hurt any ones feelings, or been unfair. Life sucks, you have to take everything given to you and make the best of it. People ARE mean, people will have opinions, accusations, people will judge you, talk bad about you, spread rumors, etc. People are bully's, people do bad things. That's life people. You cant expect to act this way towards people and only get good vibes in return. People clash, some people have more patience then some, and some people are just FED UP.
I try to avoid confrontation at all costs, I hate it. I have kept my mouth shut more than I should when it has come to relationships, friendships, co-workers, etc. Ive learned that this allows people to walk all over you! I don't have any intentions to be intentionally mean to anyone, but hey if the time calls for it I will. I do believe in cutting the bad people out of your life, bad attitudes will bring you down, peoples lifestyles will rub off on you, if you feel that you are in a bad situation or surrounding yourself with bad people, fine, then erase them from your life.
But I'm not a bad person, I have GREAT friends, who yes at times can get wild, and can be out there, but I KNOW who they are inside and out, I have seen the things that they have done for their families, their friends, and then some. They work hard, they are AWESOME moms, girlfriends, and wives. Most importantly they are REAL. I have the friends I have because we get each other, we help each other out, we give each other advice, and when we think one of us is making a mistake, we TALK. I'm so grateful to have such a variety of girlfriends, and I'm glad I get to add to the mix!
I know that no matter what I say or do, when it comes down to it, I know my friends will be their to support me, not judge me. I'm grateful for the friends that do speak their opinion, stick up for themselves and don't care what other people think. I'm glad that when we have issues with one another, its talked about, or brushed off because, hey we are women, and we do have attitudes and we will be bitchy 90% of the time.
Certain people need to stop being so uptight. Life changes, and its great that you get to experience different things, being married, having kids, traveling, staying home, doing what you enjoy. No one should make you feel like you are wrong for enjoying these things, but enjoy them, don't try to rub it in other peoples faces and act Superior because you do these things... and PLEASE stop using the excuse that people are "jealous of your life" or "cant be happy for you" Because we are, we just don't like the attitude, and personality change that came along with it.
Be yourself.


  1. Chels, reading this was a good end to my night. I totally get what you are saying here. It is disappointing that those people have chosen to hold onto their assumptions rather then keep their friendships. They may think that friends are not important to have but my experiences have taught me that when family, kids, work, stress, pretty much when life gets tough it is always good to have friends to talk to or to make you smile. I love you girls and the times that we have had! I feel like we are all good parents and doing the best in the situations that we have been given. None of us drink ourselves to bed or are mixing up mommy drinks to get through the day. Last time i checked getting drunk while taking care of children was not a good a thing. Anyways, ive said what i have had to say about all of that cause you know that i could go on forever but i appreciate that you wrote was "perfect" lol! <3 Kiko
