Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Road Trip!

Yes, I did watch Hannah Montana. Be Jealous.

The last few weeks have been busy, so I have been slacking on blogging,But to update.. On August 7Th, me and Harper made a trip out to Montana! We spent a whole week out there, spending time with her Grandparents(Mike's mom and step-dad) Aunts, Uncle, cousins, etc. This was not only Harper's 1st time meeting most of these people, but mine too! Talk about scary! haha not really, but I honestly didn't know how it would go, or how I would feel being there a whole week... but it was awesome!
I love my extended family, and so does Harper.
She did soo good! Leanne came down to Utah for a bridal shower, that I attended with her, then the next day we hit the road! A normally 8 hour trip for her, turned into 12 hours for us! We stopped in Yellowstone to eat, and look in all the gift shops, then took a drive thru the park, where we got to see some animals, and some great scenery! Harper was so wide eyed, and taking it all in as we walked around. She hardly cried, and did well when we made stops to change and feed her. We made it to Huntley a little after midnight, and I was ready for bed!! Let me tell you, that bed was the most comfortable bed I have slept in!
I wont go on and on and do a day by day explanation, but to sum it all up.. I got to relax, have good food, 4wheel ride with my cute youngest sister in law Nova, who definitely made the trip exciting and entertaining! ;) Harper got to sit on a horse! We did a little shopping, pedicures, and nails with my sister in law Dakotah... (I'm calling them sister in laws, because its just easier, and I like it!) I also stayed an extra day and went to a family members wedding, I'm horrible and cant remember who it was! It was freezing, and I looked ridiculous in my summer dress, but it was fun! I did some dancing and had drinks with the in-laws. I learned how to make biscuits and gravy, and successfully made them at home!
Leanne and Pat were sooo kind, and gave Michael and me a car! Well It's Michael's, but I get the luxury of driving it! Soo yes, in order to get home with the car, me and Harper hit the road alone! Scary, I know. She did so well tho and slept most the way. She started getting fussy around the time I got into Utah, so I had to make some extra stops, but she was just not having it! She cried for probably an hour on and off until she fell asleep... that part was stressful, so close to being home, crying baby, and had been driving for 10 hours!!!
But we made it safe and sound, with a new car, and a bunch of stuff for our small apartment, haha I'm still trying to find places to put things and hang pictures. I'm so grateful for the time I got to spend with the Murphy's and all they did for me and Harper. Cant wait to visit again!
I took a few pictures on my camera, but Michael's talented sister Deanna took so many pictures of Harper, and us at the wedding I have yet to get them, so I will update as soon as I do!


Me & Nova 4Wheelin'.

This is as close as I got to riding the horse... maybe next time!

Grandma Balan(Leanne) and Harp.

Harp Enjoying the weather, you can see the clear sky in her shades! ;)

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