Patience is not a virtue I have. My fuse is so short sometimes I'm like a firework ready to explode in your hands! I apologize to everyone that has seen this side of me, but I get so easily annoyed that anything could set me off! I guess Ive always been this way, unless medicated! haha But seriously, I just have this thing with people asking the most ridiculous obvious self answered questions! Lately, that's what gets me. We've all been there, and for anyone that has to work with people and answer questions you know how I feel!
Let me just tell you a little about my job, since its where I'm at Monday thru Friday and every other Saturday, including today, FYI its about 8:30 am.
So here at the good Ol' MOA(abbreviated for full company name) We have a lovely Employee, well we would call him a Director, or Marketer (DM) Funny cuz those are his initials.I like to say he works on the outside, meaning while im cozy and safe in my (pause.. hes coming up here).. AHHH. Back to where I was.. cozy and safe in my locked office with big glass window, hes on the outside sitting in one of the cubicles which I'm sure he calls "his office."
So sure enough bright and early he comes up to the window, puts his stupid little mouth up to the window and tells me he has a card in pending to be charged for the remainder amount. OK.. So i get up, get the paper work, log into the account, put in all the info and press charge! Hmmm it comes back saying "Over limit."
Hopefully most of you are not confused as to what this means.. but Ill explain just so everyone is on the same freakin page! (wheres DM so I can explain this!) Over limit would most likely mean that you have a spending limit, therefor the amount you charged was over the "limit" or you probably just don't have money in your bank, point blank! The word it self is pretty self explanatory.. Over The Limit people!!
Ahhh. OK. So of course DM has wandered is little butt back to his cube.. so I venture off with the paper to find him. He sees me coming and has that dumbfounded look on his face already! I explain, "the card was over limit for the $300.00" He looks at me and says "over limit, how? We charged $300.00 yesterday!"
Right then I would love to explain how I'm not the bank, and how the hell should I know the details of this mans credit card spending, and his bank, and how my computer does not magically give me a list of reasons as to why the card declined!! AHHH. He literally looked at me with this angry confused look, like how could I do this to him!
So remember back when I was interrupted? Well cute little DM waddled his way up to the window and asked this " So you charged the card for $300.00 dollars and it said over limit?"
I wish I could paint you a picture of his dumbfounded face that he always makes, and even tho he probably really only stands there and does this face at you for a few seconds, it seems like an eternity and you sit there staring back at him thinking what else could I possibly say to you old man!! Of course I nicely reply to him "ya".
AHHH. Are we serious right now?! Maybe some of you are confused as to why I would be annoyed by this at 8:30 am on a Sat, but I will start to post more DM story's, and you too will start to feel my pain!
I failed to mention that right before I charged the card for him we had this conversation:
DM: Who is covering reception?
ME:I don't know.
DM: Wheres M, is she not here anymore?
ME: No she no longer works here.
DM: Well there is no one up there, what are they gunna do, is it just J working morning then night then coming in again!" (he seemed so concerned for J)
ME: We cover the front when we can, but its only me working til 1pm today, and unless they have called someone to cover the front I don't know, sorry!"
Dont get me wrong, DM is a sweet old man at times, I'm sure he means well, but sometimes its like that little kid that asks "but why?" to everything. There is only so much I can handle!
Happy Saturday!
hahaha! That is the funnest post ever! I know who DM is... He is a very nice lil old man but you know he bothered me so much when i worked there. haha.