Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Breath in, Breath out.

Ive come to a point of no return. Things happen, pain happens, and no matter how hard you try to hold on to that little ounce of happiness, sometimes you just have to let go. Its been a rough couple of months, and a rough last week or so... but reality is this too shall pass. Sometimes relationships have that way of planting that evil seed inside of us, rooted and wont let up. It makes us think that things will always be this way, things wont get better, and things will never be as good as this, or ill never find someone who will make me this happy. Truth is we have probably said this at least once or twice, maybe even three or more times in our life.

I know that waking up everyday and feeling bad isn't going to make things better, so if i have to put on a fake smile and purposely make myself busy to keep my mind off things I will!

"Love is tough, too powerful for words, never starts and never ends, never enough and never not enough, you CANT give up on love it never goes away, sometimes love is too strong for words only through expression, everyone deserves love no one doesn't, love comes from god and if ignored you can suffer far more than you can possibly imagine, never just starts... and of coarse it can never end" :)

My friend wrote this to me a long time ago, It was his response to a post I wrote. I always go back and read it when I need a little boost. I don't think he will ever realize how many times I actually go back and read it, but its soo true. So thanks. ;)


  1. I totally agree. Its not worth the tears that we've cryed n the things that we've put up with. Its better to walk away n never look back because if it didnt work out then, its not gonna work out now! the past is the past n thats where it should be left!

  2. We are young, heartache to heartache we stand
    No promises, no demands
    Love is a battlefield
    We are strong, no one can tell us were wrong
    Searchin our hearts for so long, both of us knowing
    Love is a battlefield

    Youre beggin me to go, youre makin me stay
    Why do you hurt me so bad?
    It would help me to know
    Do I stand in your way, or am I the best thing youve had?
    Believe me, believe me, I cant tell you why
    But Im trapped by your love, and Im chained to your side

    We are young, heartache to heartache we stand
    No promises, no demands
    Love is a battlefield

  3. Ohhhh I love you guys... and I soo love that song! ;)
