Wednesday, April 18, 2012


♥ Happy Birthday!

Harper Monroe is now 2! Where does the time go? I cannot believe I officially have a 2 yr old. Insane!
This year for Harper's bday we had a party the weekend after her "official" birthday, so on her actual birthday We woke up early and went to Grandmas house for breakfa
st, then we went to see the Lorax.. Harper did a lot better that I thought she would, she of course tested her boundaries and then didnt want to sit in her seat for longer than 10 seconds at a time! It was still cute to see her intensely watch, and sit in her booster seat with her own popcorn.

Im having a love/hate emotion with the "toddler" stage.. Harper is soo independent, and is such a little drama queen! haha she definitely keeps us on our toes! She is talking so much, and learning so many things... I have to stop and realize how much she actually picks up from us on a daily basis.. she really is a sponge, soaking up everything around her.. its amazing and so fun watching her grow into a tiny person!

Mamas Little helper, Probably her favorite thing we did on her bday. haha


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