Thursday, February 2, 2012


Grizzlies game with the boys..
Harper was quite obsessed with the mascot.. Once she saw him, it was over. Crying, getting up walking around saying "bur" "where go?" it was cute and exhausting. Also.. notice her piggy's.. so glad she is finally growing some hair.

I'm slightly obsessed with taking pictures of me and my child. No big deal.

From left to right:
Lakers Game- we cheer on our favorite team and yes she says "Kobe" we have no shame.
Coloring- her new obsession, although she likes you to color with specific crayons she picks out for you and only for a certain amount of time before switching to the next one.
Binky face- Sometimes she finds old Binky's and thinks she is hilarious.. it looks abnormal considering she stopped using a binky at 8 months!
Scary web cam face- we have too much fun.
Relaxin- in her princess fold out couch and Pa's house.. she loves that thing!
Painted toes- she takes her socks of in the car from time to time so she can look at them and say "pweety toes" haha
Rocking chair- Cracker Barrel for breakfast, she loved the chairs they had outside... of course I had to be the obnoxious mom that sees a cute photo prop op(great choice of words eh?) and had to snap a few too many pictures.
Boots with the fur- and yes she insists on wearing her boots while only wearing a diaper, and she is standing on the fire place ledge where she gets her groove on.. the ipod dock is plugged in there and she knows how to use it. Shes got skillls.
And of course the best for last.. duck face with mom.. proud moment when she could accomplish that one. Issues? No.

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