Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gettin' sun!

With it finally warming up, me and the fam decided it would be nice to take a walk on the river trail. I haven't been able to really get out much with the stroller so it was nice!! She seems to like being outside, she was wide awake and very content! Being outdoors in the nice weather was a good mood booster, plus the exercise was nice!

Its amazing how fast she is growing!! She is holding her head up now, still with a little help, but in a few weeks I'm sure she will be able to do it all on her own! June 1oth she will be 2 months, and goes to her 2 month check up! Ive yet to start P90x, im still planning on taking the challenge, its just getting them onto DVDs. Harper's sleeping patterns have changed a little, if I'm lucky I can get 4-5hrs of sleep before waking up to feed her, that is if I go to bed when she does! Ive noticed little changes in her, she gets woken up easier, wants to eat more, and seems a little more fussy when she gets tired.
I feel lucky to have a good baby, I cant really complain! Ill keep my fingers crossed that she doesn't have as much attitude as me! haha :)

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