I started giving her bottles in between breastfeeding, and I think that started to confuse her. She started to fight when I tried to breastfeed her. I tried to just pump, but pumping takes up a lot of time, especially when I dont have an extra set of hands around 24-7. (soon enough tho). Breastfeeding also will save you a ton of money!! Ive been lucky enough to have been given a few months supply of formula, so that also was an incentive to just start giving formula. Harper did seem to notice the change at first, but she transitioned really easy. She seems to get fuller and stays full longer.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The challenge.
I was brave, and dove right into breastfeeding, it actually was quite easy after I made it through the first week. I understand why people give it up right away. Your milk starts to come in and your boobs get huge and rock hard, then they are leaking everywhere, your nipples crack and can start to bleed!! Sorry for the graphic details, but its the truth. Once the twins got used to breastfeeding, so did I. She latched on really easy once my milk came in, and she seemed to be getting enough to eat, but breast milk is like a drug to newborns!! She would eat and pass out right away. Breastfeeding is the best option, your doctors will highly recomend it, but it is exhausting! Im sad to say that after 2 months ive given it up. My goal was to make it 6 months, but it got to where I felt like she was eating every 20 min!
Spicy Alfredo sauce.

I attempted this for the first time almost a year ago!! Its now a favorite of Michael's, and Ive finally been able to master it on my own without any mistakes or looking at the Recipe. I wanted to share it because it is mm mm good! If you're like me and don't cook much, you will like this recipe because its very simple.
1/2 Cup of butter
2 Cups of heavy whipping cream
2 Garlic cloves
1/8 teaspoon of red pepper flakes
1 pinch of salt
3/4 cup of Parmesan cheese, grated
Your choice of cooked pasta.
I first melt the butter,then add the cream, garlic, and red pepper flakes and bring to a boil, I then continue to simmer til it thickens up. I use minced garlic, instead of chopping up two garlic cloves, it tells you right on the bottle how much is equal to 1 garlic clove.
Ive also noticed that the Great Value brand of heavy whipping cream thickens up better, but the name brands work just as well, just my preference. I like my pasta more spicy then this recipe calls for, so I just keep adding til I get the desired taste. I also noticed that the cheese tends to stick to the bottom of the pan while cooking so I wait and add that right before I'm ready to add the pasta. Ive also added chicken with this recipe too.
There you have it! Its soo easy and soo good!
Monday, June 28, 2010
I started watching tutorials(yes, I have no life) on eyebrow shaping and went searching for the perfect tools! This kit is great because it comes with tweezers, brush, the two colors and also the eyebrow wax, which sets your eyebrows. I was in search for my brushes, that I posted on my things I want post, but they were out at the craft store I went too. So I purchased one from the brand Posh. I got the eyebrow brush, which also came with eyebrow templates. These brushes are inexpensive too.
I purchased both things at K-mart, the brushes are cheaper in store then on the actual website.
I will have to post before and after pics, when I get the technique down. :)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Things I want.
This is a continued post from my things I want post on my personal blog. Because those things are not really baby related, and I try to keep this all about Harper, and being a mom, I thought I would make a separate one! Here we go...
This is the nap nanny. This thing is awesome, and I want one! It has no top weight requirement so it can be used as a toddler chair too! Its supposed to work great for baby's who don't like sleeping on there back, which is sometimes Harper's case. We go a lot of places so she is usually in a swing or her car seat. Of course this isn't going to help for getting her to sleep in her crib at night, but would be great for when I'm doing things around the house, or when I'm visiting my family. It only weighs a few pounds and is easy to carry!
Here is the next car seat I want! The Graco MyRide 65 convertible car seat. It holds up to 40 lbs rear facing, and then up to 65lbs forward facing! Basically, this will get us by for quite sometime! The car seat she is in now only holds up to 20lbs.
The BOB Revolution stroller. I like this one, based on the colors, but it also got good reviews. I like the jeep jogging strollers too. This one is up there in the price range, but seems to be the best out there. I want to try jogging with her, so I can work out more often.
JJ Cole Swag diaper bag. I hate that I have to carry my purse, and diaper bag.. This one is stylish enough to use as both! This brand is a little pricey, but I love the idea of this kind of diaper bag.. right now I'm using a very small one.
Hotslings baby sling carrier. Ive wanted to try a sling, and the one I got had been recalled! This one is so cute, and seems so much easier than those do it yourself wraps! I can just see how that would turn out.. not good. This one has no snaps, hooks, ties, etc. It fits right over your shoulder, then you just position your lil one how you would like!
And of course a rocking chair. I never got one before Harper was born, then thought I wouldn't really need one. But it would be so nice to have one, it gets exhausting trying to sit up in bed, and it will be easier to have one when she transitions from sleeping in my bedroom to her crib. That way I can rock her to sleep or feed her comfortably. This is just an idea of one I would like, this one is from Target.
Those are just a few of the things I would love to have, I'm sure I will find more! :)
Those are just a few of the things I would love to have, I'm sure I will find more! :)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Things I want.
A few things I REALLY want. Emphasis on the REALLY.

The Flip Video recorder.. Its so cute in purple! They have a few different ones to chose from on there site, you can even design you own! This would be awesome to have for recording Harper, its small, portable and cute! This one is the most affordable, and holds up to two hours of video.

Next are these baby's! These are the Reebok Easytone. Apparently they work out your legs and butt. Even they say " Get a better butt, and legs with every step" OK, I'm sold. They are so cute, and seriously make me more motivated to work out, so I need them. Plus good shoes are essential for working out, especially with my feet, they are weird.
I know this is an odd addition to the above items.
Guess swimsuit at buckle.
I love the colors! Not that I'm swimsuit ready, but who cares, I love this swimsuit!!

I better stop here, because ill just keep thinking of things I want! Check out the baby related things I want on my other blog.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Fathers Day!
Happy Fathers day to my wonderful Dad! I don't know what I would do without him, he's always made sure I don't go without, always been there for me, went above and beyond to help me out, even when I didn't deserve it! Thanks for always being there, making me laugh, teaching me things, and for all your hard work to make sure we are taken care of! Not only are you a great dad, but now an awesome Grandpa! Love you! Happy Dad day!
Fathers day!
We didn't get to spend fathers day with Michael, but I did send out a cute card for him, and sent him a cute picture of Harper this morning. Wish he could have been here to spend the holiday with Harper, but we will see him in a couple weeks!
I'm so thankful to have him in our life, he may not get to see her as often as he would like, but he is working hard to make sure we have the things we need and that she is taken care of. That is what I am grateful for, that he is there for us.
we've been through a lot, having to get to know each other, while I was pregnant, was not easy. Raging hormones, mixed emotions, and well just adjusting to the fact that we were going to be parents, that we were not married, and all the other things that come with having to make decisions that no longer just effect you, but now a child. I'm grateful that he stood by me, that he made the decision to be there for his little girl no matter what happened between us.
We have our ups and downs, and Ive probably drove him crazy. But he loves us unconditionally and makes sure we know that everyday, and that, that's enough.
I'm so thankful to have him in our life, he may not get to see her as often as he would like, but he is working hard to make sure we have the things we need and that she is taken care of. That is what I am grateful for, that he is there for us.

We have our ups and downs, and Ive probably drove him crazy. But he loves us unconditionally and makes sure we know that everyday, and that, that's enough.
Happy Dad day! ♥
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I love my baby. That is all.
I just want to hug her and kiss her constantly!
She makes being exhausted so worth it.
she makes a bad day, a good day.
Nothing else matters.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Laker Baby.


Me & Harper all dressed up for game 6, showing our support! She doesn't know it yet, but she was born a Laker's fan, her dad wouldn't have it any other way.. poor thing! haha Tonight's championship game was a good one, It surprises me how excited I get! I even got a little teary eyed seeing them all light up when they won! Until next year...GO LAKERS!!
This made both games even better!!! I love her.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
It's lonely on your side of the bed...
This song gets me, so does the video! Sad, but I cant stop listening/watching.
Monday, June 14, 2010
This post is a little late, but on the 12Th of June, Laura turned 24!! Happy Birthday to my lovely BF.

Me and Laura spent the day getting our makeup done at MAC and shopping, I bought Laura some cute yellow shoes and earrings to match her dress :) It was a good night, Glad I got to get out with my friends for her bday.. hopefully we will all be able to get together one more time before she moves to California ;( Love you miss Laura. ♥
Friday, June 11, 2010
2 months!
Harper just went to her 2 month check up yesterday, and she is getting so big!! She weighs a little over 10lbs and is 23 inches long!! At this check up she was supposed to get her first set off shots, but I opted not to start them til she is 4 months, and then we will be only be giving her one shot a visit.
I still have concerns about the whole Autism could be caused by vaccinations theory.. so I feel better waiting til shes a little older, so her body can handle them a little better. Plus with breastfeeding, and not having her in daycare she shouldn't get sick as easy, and is not easily exposed to germs. My doctor seemed to validate my concerns, and I feel comfortable with my decision. With Autism being a concern, I also need to make sure she is meeting milestones, which she seems to be doing well on. She is now holding her head up, making eye contact, recognizing ,y voice and face, and is smiling and cooing!
She still seems so small to me, but seeing her and then seeing a 6 day old baby at the doctors was such a difference! I already cant believe she was that tiny!! I'm excited to see the changes, the faces and noises she makes, and everything else!
I still have concerns about the whole Autism could be caused by vaccinations theory.. so I feel better waiting til shes a little older, so her body can handle them a little better. Plus with breastfeeding, and not having her in daycare she shouldn't get sick as easy, and is not easily exposed to germs. My doctor seemed to validate my concerns, and I feel comfortable with my decision. With Autism being a concern, I also need to make sure she is meeting milestones, which she seems to be doing well on. She is now holding her head up, making eye contact, recognizing ,y voice and face, and is smiling and cooing!
She still seems so small to me, but seeing her and then seeing a 6 day old baby at the doctors was such a difference! I already cant believe she was that tiny!! I'm excited to see the changes, the faces and noises she makes, and everything else!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Not Happy.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Before I had Harper, I loved kids, I always wanted to be a mom... but I will admit sometimes I got annoyed of all the baby talk, and the sound of people excessively kissing their baby, because I get easily annoyed. I'm sure I even thought it was stupid to call them by something other than their name... All these things you think you wont do, you do. Like the talking in 3rd person. "Mommy needs you to be good while she showers." You don't even do them because you've seen it, or heard it, You don't even read it in a book, it just happens.
I'm also one of those annoying mothers that has to dress her child up everyday, and put those annoying headbands with big flowers on her head, which gets me annoying comments like "I'm sure she hates those things" or "maybe she's crying because of that big bow" Actually, no. She is too little to know what hating something is, and if she is anything like me, she will never hate them, and thank you for your input and knowledge on why my baby is crying.
Like my Grandma, bless her heart, but she cant hold herself back from commenting on every fuss, cry, rash, etc. My grandmas most common advice is "I think she needs to be burped" I cant tell you how many times she says this, even if she didn't see me feed her, I must have so therefor she needs to be burped, she can tell. Or when she hasn't seen me feed her, I must need to feed her, because "she's looking for the boob" or "I think she's hungry" Really? Thank you. I know she's old, and concerned and just being a grandma, but I think I can figure out what she needs!
I know I'm a first time mom, Ill take all the advice I can get, but please don't make me feel dumb and act like I'm doing everything wrong, or try and tell me what I should and shouldn't do. Until you see me neglect her, or she has been in the same diaper for 2 days, you can gladly step in, because at the point Ive probably lost my mind.
I'm also one of those annoying mothers that has to dress her child up everyday, and put those annoying headbands with big flowers on her head, which gets me annoying comments like "I'm sure she hates those things" or "maybe she's crying because of that big bow" Actually, no. She is too little to know what hating something is, and if she is anything like me, she will never hate them, and thank you for your input and knowledge on why my baby is crying.
Like my Grandma, bless her heart, but she cant hold herself back from commenting on every fuss, cry, rash, etc. My grandmas most common advice is "I think she needs to be burped" I cant tell you how many times she says this, even if she didn't see me feed her, I must have so therefor she needs to be burped, she can tell. Or when she hasn't seen me feed her, I must need to feed her, because "she's looking for the boob" or "I think she's hungry" Really? Thank you. I know she's old, and concerned and just being a grandma, but I think I can figure out what she needs!
I know I'm a first time mom, Ill take all the advice I can get, but please don't make me feel dumb and act like I'm doing everything wrong, or try and tell me what I should and shouldn't do. Until you see me neglect her, or she has been in the same diaper for 2 days, you can gladly step in, because at the point Ive probably lost my mind.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Gettin' sun!
With it finally warming up, me and the fam decided it would be nice to take a walk on the river trail. I haven't been able to really get out much with the stroller so it was nice!! She seems to like being outside, she was wide awake and very content! Being outdoors in the nice weather was a good mood booster, plus the exercise was nice!

Its amazing how fast she is growing!! She is holding her head up now, still with a little help, but in a few weeks I'm sure she will be able to do it all on her own! June 1oth she will be 2 months, and goes to her 2 month check up! Ive yet to start P90x, im still planning on taking the challenge, its just getting them onto DVDs. Harper's sleeping patterns have changed a little, if I'm lucky I can get 4-5hrs of sleep before waking up to feed her, that is if I go to bed when she does! Ive noticed little changes in her, she gets woken up easier, wants to eat more, and seems a little more fussy when she gets tired.
I feel lucky to have a good baby, I cant really complain! Ill keep my fingers crossed that she doesn't have as much attitude as me! haha :)

I feel lucky to have a good baby, I cant really complain! Ill keep my fingers crossed that she doesn't have as much attitude as me! haha :)
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