Right now around that time she is starting to throw a fit, not too bad, but by this time I'm about to wind down, get in my pj's(if I haven't been in them all day) and watch my shows. Usually I get bored and spend a lot of my time visiting my mom and having dinner with the fam so I don't head home til around 10 or so, by the time I get home and go to put her in bed, she wants to wake up and eat, and then literally wont let me put her down for a good hour or so. Like yesterday, we wake up around 10 or so, I feed her, play with her, get her dressed and have her laying on the bed with me, before I know it shes out, and seriously out til I get ready to leave the house at around 430/5 o clock. She pretty much slept for 4 straight hours!!! Then we get to my moms house and she sleeps again!! But from 11pm and on its an every 2 hour event! Last night was the first time I let her cry in the bassinet, and I mean cry!! But that only lasted about 5 minutes, after I started crying with frustration, I picked her up and she immediately stopped crying! Then by some random luck she stayed quiet when I laid her down again!!
She usually hates the bassinet and I end up just laying her in bed with me, but I got her to sleep in her bed for a good 3 hours.
I wish we were on more of a routine, but how do I keep a 3 week old up ALL day so she will sleep all night? I put her in her swing, and guess what shes been sleeping in it for the last couple hours! I cant really complain tho, because she really is a good baby, and it could be a lot worse. Plus I did some reading, and babies start to cry more at 2 weeks and up. I just envy the mom who can get 6 or more hours of sleep!!
It's rough! Believe me! Keep working at. I always tried to do a night routine so they know what's coming. Like bathe her at night, rub down with lotion, get her nice and full and then put her to bed.. This first year goes by so fast! I promise! Loves you!