Thursday, January 26, 2012

v-day craft.

Cupcake liner banner..

Via pinterest. Linked to: One charming party.

Thought this was such a cute idea.. Ive been wanting to do som
e sort of banner to go across my fireplace mantel.. and ive been itching to do some sort of craft.. luckily I had everything around my house!
Left over v-day liners from last year remember my wreath?
Double sided tape.

Seriously took me 15 min to assemble. and I think it looks great!

Harper was a big help as you can see.. she really loves to try and figure out what Im doing.. she sat next to me, handing me the cupcake liners and tried helping me attach them. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Life Update.

I usually blog about things that are going on in my life... not necessarily because I want to give out personal deets on my oh soo public blog.. but maybe someone can relate. Plus its a place where I can come and reflect on things in my life. 
About 6 months ago me and the boyfriend took a "break" and I moved into my own place. Its definitely been a learning experience, and an eye opener as to how it is as a single mom... and by that I mean living on your own, and doing all the parental duties 5 days out of the week. I now get why running to the store, or just to slip away for 10 minutes to get a snack and to breath can turn into such a luxury! lol 
I am happy to say tho, me and Michael are working things out.. Its important to us to be able to experience the full potential of our relationship.. because, well.. there is potential.. but dating, and being a family are two completely different relationship status's and commitment levels.. and it takes WORK a lot of work. Although we are not married.. its easy to say, we basically are.. we need to have a foundation, and most importantly communication.   "No one said it was going to be easy.. its going to be really hard...." (like my notebook quote I threw in there. yup.) 
Keeping on my trend of blogging about the new year..  we are going to do some NEW things! We are both getting gym passes so we can encourage and motivate each other, and were going to eat healthier and plan meals.. I'm excited to have someone to cook for again! :) Budgeting more, keeping a schedule, trading off days with morning duty with our little one, date nights, movie nights, and activities with the little one. HOUSE HUNTING... I'm so excited for this one! We started to hate the apartment we lived in, and now that I live in a house built for midgets.. there isn't a lot of space to grow as a family. So Hopefully this summer we will find one more suitable to our needs, and move up north more so we can be closer to our jobs! 
Speaking of jobs... I now have 2! 
I quit my job at the sales floor I was working on and got a stay at home job doing recordings for a software company.. the hours didn't pan out like i thought they would.. so I got another part time job working for my moms husband as a office assistant/construction coordinator in training.. it is awesome, fast passed, busy, and I'm learning a lot! He is a general contractor and owns his own company.. so if work keeps picking up, I will work more.. who knows.. I could do this as a career! I'm loving being able to spend time with Harper more.. but she sure does love daycare, and they are soo great with her and just think she is soo great! 
I applied for school about 3 months ago... and once my student loans are figured out I will be starting my online classes to get a degree in Business management/entrepreneurship... I'm so excited!!  

and just because I love this. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

My little "Hoo"

Its been a while since ive updated.. but me and Harper were Owls on Halloween... I made Harper's costume this year (besides the hat) and was pretty proud of myself! We went trick or treating at my work.. then to my Grandparents house, and a few houses so Grandpa could get her first time trick or treating on video. Halloween this year meant going to visit everyone so they could see her in costume.. such a busy little girl.


The BIG 26...

I swear yesterday I was 21...  then all of a sudden 26! What?! I know, I know.. im still "young" but time really does fly by.. I did have the BEST Birthday weekend ever.. (yes weekend!)  Thats how I roll.

I didnt plan on doing much.. usually my birthday is a huge deal to me.. and im busy planning away.. or my bff is planning away.. but the last two years she has missed my bday festivities.. she now resides in California. I miss her dearly :(
But Michael always manages to make me feel special on the big day.. he really pulled thru this year with a sort of surprise party and such, haha He took the time to get in touch with all my friends and set up a night of dancing for me! Along with a day of shopping and surprise dinner at the melting pot, and booked a room close by so we literally just had to walk across the street!
It was one of the best birthdays ive had with all of my friends and mutual friends of Michael's as well.. It was sweet that everyone showed up to show me some love! The next day was followed by my family party.. my mom made one of my favorite meals.. Chicken stuffing casserole.. and surprised me with an owl cake! (I know.. i have a problem with owl themed/items/clothing/etc.) I think 26 feels great.. and Im excited for the new adventures this year!
My lovely ladies celebrating with me ♥

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy new year!

Another year that I will have all these "resolutions" that I wont do.. haha but this year Ill call them accomplishments! Lets see how much I can accomplish... I feel like this year is going to be great.. and im hoping for some changes!
First off.. blogging more.. I really want to have things to look back on and improve on, and I want Harper to one day be able to read about all the awesome things she does.. still debating on just doing one blog on everything.. why separate the two?
I also turn 26 in 5 days... seriously? ugh. I guess ill embrace it..

Until next time.. ;)