Valentines day is oh so lovely.
Whats more lovely is my V-day wreath.
Made by yours truly.
I got the idea from
here. such a cute blog, and hers looks fabulous.
Me on the other hand, is a want right now, have to have right now kind of gal, so I improvised and made mine a little differently.. but it worked out!
Here is how I did mine, and how it turned out.
1. Find a cheap foam wreath, or one like this..about 3 dollars at Walmart.
Of course, it would be pretty hard to glue perfectly around this so instead of covering it with ribbon like the above blog, I used pink colored duck tape! It kept all the twigs in, and made for a smoother wreath to work with.
2. Cover wreath.
How awesome(and ghetto) is my colored duck tape?!
3. Pick out some cute cup cake liners.. yes cup cake liners. I chose these.
4. Fold and fan, and or scrunch to your liking!
5. Heat up the glue gun, and start placing! Because I used 2 different liners, I did sections, alternating around the wreath.
I used almost 4 packages(2 of each pattern)
6. Continue around wreath, until desired look.
and tada!
I of course forgot the most important thing, a hook to hang it on the front door, or else I would have the last step of adding ribbon to the back, which of course I bought pink! But I do think it looks mighty cute on my shelf.
So easy and fun, I might have to make one for every Holiday. :)